I'm a simple man, I have a wonderful wife that keeps me inline, a beautiful daughter that inspires me, two perfect nephews that keep their room clean, and 2 year old TWINS!! I love my life! Anyway, here are 10 things you should know about me!
Ten Things You Should Know About Your Photographer!
1. What is my strangest irrational fear?
That my tires will pop from the hot railway tracks if I cross over them too soon after the train has passed...
2. How will I survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
Knowing me, I won't... but watch out for zombie me chasing you for brains!
3. What was my favourite thing about High School?
Easily grade 10, took that bad boy three years in a row!
4. What advice would I give to a younger me?
The combination really was 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
5. What is your favourite franchise?
There are so many, how do i pick just one! I mean, Star Wars has to be right up there but that can't take away from Star Trek or Firefly or Star Gate, HHG2G, or Battlestar Galactica or Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or or what? Oh, you mean restaurant? Oh... MacDonalds I guess...Â
6. What other hobbies do I have?
I smoke mean apple wood ribs!
7. Do you go to the gym?
I'm in the Fitness Protection Program
8. What is one item on your bucket list?
To fix that hole in my bucket sweet Liza sweet Liza...
9. Batman or Superman?
I can't pick myself so I guess Superman
10. Who inspires your photography?
Jason Leo Bantle, he's an ace photographer.